I finished our second novel "Secret Daughter" last night and was a little sad that it was over...can't you just imagine a second novel picking up where we left off? I don't want to spoil anything for the BFABers that haven't quite finished it yet, but it truly was a beautiful story, and one I couldn't put down, unlike "Little Bee."
I looooooved Asha/Usha and her Dadima...maybe I biased by the grandmother-granddaughter thing considering I just spent Thanksgiving weekend playing "Carotte" (basically French euchre) with my grandmaman as my teammate!!! hahaha I loved when Dadima agreed to wear Asha's running shoes on their morning walk instead of her chappals, but made sure that her sari covered them so that no one would notice. So cute!
Oh...I want to write so much more about it, but will hold back until the week preceeding our next club. Hint, hint: read read read ladies!
In the meantime, I'm switching between a non-fiction that Nat B loaned me called "The Omnivore's Dilemna" and a memoir that Katie O loaned me called "Summer at Tiffany." I'll keep you posted on these two as I get further along.
I love shout-outs. Keep em' coming!
ReplyDeleteI really liked this book too, im really looking forward to talking about it next bookclub. I just started a book called Eating Animals and find myself swinging a little more on the side of vegetarianism, even veganism. Is it weird to get teary over broiler chickens? Ive read a few of Pollans books and really enjoyed the Omnivores Dilemna, cant wait to hear your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteYes.....come to the other side Erinn...although I'm not fully there yet, still eating fish and all. As long as I don't read anything about the terrible fishing practices, I am ok for now! I think Nat B has read "Eating Animals"...she told me that "Omnivore's Dilemna" is less sensational, so I'm starting there...