So I finally finished our latest read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie just in time for our book club tomorrow and am disappointed to write how happy I was to put it down. It wasn't the writing or the characters (which I grew to enjoy)...I've just come to realize that it really just wasn't my type of story. I am not a huge fan of this type of slow mystery and therefore had a lot of trouble even getting into it (which I have learned was a problem with many of our BFabers)!
Flavia was certainly a unique character, but I found myself struggling to believe her age at times, and coupled with the fact that it was written in a foreign setting in a foreign time, there was just too much for this reader to keep in check to truly enjoy the development! It just moved too slowly for me and I didn't much care for the outcome by the time it ended. I would, however, suggest this as an interesting book for an English class in high school - Flavia is a strong young woman who is obsessed with the sciences (chemistry) and perseveres. Besides sabotaging her sisters, I think she makes for an interesting role-model for youths.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and hope that most of you did finish it (Tara, that's two strikes if you didn't!)
I wonder what delicious pies the hostess is making?!!
P.S. I love the red cover I found above because "Gladys" her beloved bicycle is featured and is a predominant part of her mystery-solving skills - how would she have gotten anywhere without it?!!
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