Sunday, March 6, 2011

Three Cups of "Juicy" Tea

If there's one thing David Oliver Relin does really well in the novel "Three Cups of Tea" it's give really juicy descriptions of the settings throughout the novel. He uses such beautiful language to describe the most simplest of spaces, such as a river:

"Here the river was as ugly as the ice peaks that birthed it were beautiful." (Chapter 10)

It's amazing when you can form the exact scary image of the unforgiving waters in your mind as you read it. (Maybe I am hung up on this because I'm in the process of attempting to teach my little grade ones to use "juicy words" to add detail to their sentences at school?!! LOL)

When I was finding the first few chapters long to read, I did enjoy the scenery and could imagine the mountain scape spread out before Mortenson as he was lost high up. I discovered the website of the late photographer Galen Rowell and his wife, who have taken the most incredible pictures. You have to check this one out, it is almost exactly what Mortenson describes seeing as he awakes on Baltoro to the sunrise. Stunning.

Looking forward to discussing the novel this Tuesday BFabers...

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