Regardless, we have some great discussions last night and discovered just whom is passionate about what? Obviously, we all lost respect for the great "Hem," however, many of us are intrigued to read his final novel/memoir (a tribute to Hadley we assume) called "A Moveable Feast." Some of us felt sorry for poor Hadley, and others completely lost respect for her as well. It is so difficult, as women living in 2012, to put ourselves into the time and place in which the novel occurs and to sympathize or wonder what we might have done in 1920's Paris. It's so much easier to sit back and judge based on our freedoms and rights because they're all we know. I was personally surprised, however, that with how traditional her character came off, she seemed to have no trouble spending so much time away from her child. Perhaps this was due to the fact that they were almost the only couple with a child? The overall consensus, however, was that "The Paris Wife" was a good read, no matter what kind of emotions it evoked.
I did also learn a few other important lessons last night: I have learned never to sneak into a bed where Amy and Brad may be having an afternoon nap AND not to let Erinn babysit my pet ape...among other things!
So as I sit here enjoying the leftover tarts that you all refused to take home last night, I thought I better put in writing what was decided as our next three selections and who will be hosting:
Wednesday, February 15th
Hostess with the mostest: Amy
Selection: "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer
(This one is coming to the big screen with Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock very soon as well - anyone planning to go let me know and I will try to read this one asap to join you!)

Wednesday, March 14th
Hostess: Jamie
Selection: "Sold" by Patricia McCormick

Wednesday, April 18th
Hostess: Rebecca
Selection: "The House at Riverton" by Kate Morton

Happy Reading my friends!
xoxo RFab
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