I have been reading; however, my usual mix of heavy and light and finally got around to watching two movies I had talked about earlier. I absolutely loved the novel "Water for Elephants" and am pleased to say that the movie was equally amazing. Despite it's starring "Edward" and "Elle", the characters were completely believable and the story line stayed true. I was totally impressed and recommend it to anyone who has read the book.

I also rented "One Day" - a novel by David Nicholls, which I had heard good things about. My girlfriend lent me the book, however, I never got around to reading it and thought I'd go straight to video for this one...BIG MISTAKE! What a depressingly boring movie; I actually started doing something else while watching it. I didn't care for the characters or their relationship and really felt no connection there whatsoever. The idea was to show where the two "friends" were at in their lives around the same date each year...so sometimes they were together and other times not, having their struggles and successes. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but what was the point in ending it the way it did? I've been trying to read into it and solve this mystery, but I don't see the point? Let me know your thoughts whether you have read the book or watched the film.

Needless to say, I needed some fluff after that, so I went to my always faithful standby "Madeleine Wickham" for the novel "Sleeping Arrangements." Set in Spain, a couple and their children have been graciously offered a holiday at a friend's villa, only to discover that the same friend has rented it to another couple and their children...with the wife in the first couple having dated the husband in the second a while back. Dum da dum dum!.....What could possibly go wrong here? Ok, so the plot isn't an original one and the characters are not so deep, but this is just the type of book you need on a lazy day, am I right?!
I am so looking forward to seeing what we come up with as selections for the next three months and to see if we can actually all read them for once (we're not doing to well this Fall are we ladies?!!!)
xoxo RFab
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